Bilderverkauf aller 50 km / Pictures on Sale every 50 km

Monday, February 9, 2009

Getting the car

I was searching a long time for a car. I wanted to have a Landcruiser
which has Diesel engine, manual transmission and diffrential lock at
front and back. But I had to learn that exactly this combination is hard
to find as only 20% of all landcruiser in Japan have this specification.
Finally I found one in the internet selling the car for the export. So I
asked them if I could also in Japan and it seemed ok. At 27.12.2008 I
went to Tomioka City in Gunma to test the car. From now I can say it is
in a good condition being 13 years old that car in Germany would loke
like hell. Anyway now I got it, but still need to register which is
another story. Kotomi has to register in Niigata as in Tokyo Diesel cars
are prohibited.

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