Bilderverkauf aller 50 km / Pictures on Sale every 50 km

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fu** Police Part I

9th of September:


We go to the Tajik embassy in the morning and we are "lucky" that this day is a national holiday in Tajikistan. This means the embassy is closed. Anyway I have to do an oil filter change at the car and we decide to do all the shopping today. So first we go to the car market to buy oil and air filter. There we have some Шорпо(Meat, vegetable soup) and плов. We have a lot of time so we decide also to go to the Bazaar. First thing there the police check us for drugs. They check really everything to find something. It seems there are a little bit sad not to find anything. I guess normally foreigners with some drugs are quite a good source of income, in terms of bribes.


We drive into the mountain side of the town to make the oil change. We find a good place, but after some while Security shows up and ask what we are doing here. They explain us that the area close to us is part of the Dascha of the Kyrgyzstan president. I ask if he is already at home to say hello, but they say he always just come at the evening. Anyway the Security guys do not care about the oil change and just asking for some cigarettes.


The oil change is almost finished and it starts to rain.  We or better I decide to drive into direction of the other side of the town into the steppe. This was a bad decision! Not because of the rain, I was right it was no rain there. I went with the car over a cross where I had a yellow street light. Well, in Germany this is ok. Here the friendly police guy wanted to take away my driving licence. It is dark and I am really not in the mood for this game, but anyway, he asked me what would I like to pay that he forget. I do not know and I still try to discuss with him and to excuse that I did not know. But there is no way, they are corrupt and they just want to have money. Finally I have to pay 500 Som. But we sleep in the steppe without rain (:)).


(N 42.88286°, E 74.41338 °)



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