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Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Youngest Consul

10th of September:


Again we go to the Tajik embassy. It is open and a young friendly English speaking woman gives us all the documents we need. We also ask fro the GBAO permit which we need to travel along the Pamir Highway. No problem, we can get it everything here Visa and permit. Waiting 3 days it would be 50 USD for a 30 day Visa. Well actually we are not in the mood to wait so long in this town Bischkek. It is just a town and we the expierience with the police was not that nice. Normally in remote places this does not happen. I ask carefully if it would be possible in one day and she says yes but it is double price for the Visa. It is a lot but finally we decide for it and we can pick it up in the evening. Coming there in the evening everything is ready and we have a small chat. She is actually the Consul and everybody tell her she is quite young. I guess she like it since she is a woman. Anyway she tells me that a lot of foreigners come here to get the Visa and the GBAO permit. Unfortunately she always gives the permission to the foreigners, but she never had the chance to visit the Pamir. She has just 2 weeks vacation the year and she spend it in Duschanbe with her family.


It is time for Баня and we find one almost in the center of the town. It is in a yard where kids jumping around and laughing to see foreigners in there Баня. Well it is not such a good one not so hot and quite smoky. It is better then nothing and the people have something to laugh. We drive out of Bischkek to the West which is tomorrows direction. We sleep again in the steppe, this time without to pay to the police. (:)


(N 42.87424°, E 74.38038 °)


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