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Sunday, October 4, 2009

6030 and Time Travel

14th of September:


In the morning Kotomi has a short ride on the horse and we go on in the direction of Osh. Between Song Koel and Osh the streets are more off-road like and it will take us some more days. Again we go down through a green valley and almost in the end of the valley we decide to make a stop under the tree beside a very clean river. Two cowboys’ Жыргалбек and Шайлоо come and we are starting a chat. They are very gentle and help us to make a fire where we cook some tee and our noodle soup. Шайлоо is really interested in our kitchen and the spices we have. Most spices are to strong for him but the curry he would like to try. We give him some and he tell us he will try it with potatoes the night which they will stay up there in Song Koel. With the horses they will need around 2-3 hours. Anyway they are not in a hurry. Жыргалбек is around 50 and tells me that his kids studying in Bischkek but he like this life here with his horses, sheep and some cows he has. From time to time he sell a sheep and that’s all he need. I ask him how it is working with the land he needs for his animals and if he has to rent it or if it is his own land. He tell me that he need to pay around 600 Som for one hektar per year For his 10 cows and 50 sheep he has 10 hectare that are spread over this mountain area. This day they want to go up to Song Koel and bring their animals down to the village before the winter.


I also ask him about the grey eyes of most man and ask if it is because of the water or missing vitamins. He explains it is because of the Wodka. After helping us to fill up the water we have to try some kind of self-made beer БОЗО.First we can not remember the name and than he says just remember sixty thirty 6030.


We go on to the village Куртка and cross the river Нарын. We choose a white road in our map which seems to be shortest to go on to Ош (Osh). Along the Нарын you have a wide canyon, where the "walls" of the canyon are from sand formations which are created by the water which is running down from the Snow Mountains in spring. Sometimes it looks like huge elephant feet which are shaped in the sand. The road gets a dirt road, we go down to the river and make our camp in total silence just the wind and the river. We are sitting there at our fire and we both have the feeling that we travelled back to ancient times. In each moment we expect that Jesus comes around the corner followed by a Shepard with his sheep herd.


(N 41.43488°, E 74.74663 °)



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enjoy your time travel :)

- gilbert